I Took a 40% Pay Cut to Be a Better Mother

by Alicia Barnes of liciabobesha.com I always assumed I’d work and have babies. I mean I went to college after all. Then my life looked like this: 6:45 wake, dress everyone 7:15 leave for childcare/work 8:00 start work day 5:15 pick up baby, eat dinner, play with baby, bathe baby 7:30 put baby to bed On…

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Mommy Style: Kim’s Fall Look

I would rock this look to a cafe with the hubby, Barnes and Noble with the kids (4 babies I might add), or our all around Family Day that we do Saturdays (museum, Goodwill for shopping, dinner)! Although I’m a mom, I believe that I can still be both stylish and comfortable. Nothing in this…

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I Was ‘Black While Mothering’ Today…

By Jenn Jackson My husband and I have three gorgeous children. Our oldest will be six next month. Our youngest just arrived last month. We were married in 2006 after dating for three years. We are college sweethearts. Next spring, we will celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary. And, if you did the math, that means…

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10 Things Never to Say to a Pregnant Woman

Are you seriously asking me that?by Alicia Barnes of liciabobesha.com 1. Are you scared? Of what? Of the dark? Yeah a little. I never quite outgrew that. When I have to sleep alone, I totally don’t dim the lights the whole way. Oh of becoming a parent? Scared is not the word. I’m excited, but I’m…

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How I Sleep-Trained My 4 Month Old

By Vanessa H. When my daughter Kennedy was 4 months old I decided to “sleep train, ” but with all the literature out there about how to do it I was completely overwhelmed figuring out which method to follow – especially because the information can be contradictory. After a few weeks of trying and failing a lot,…

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