4 Shows that Both Mommies and Toddlers Can Enjoy

By Alicia of alburnet.wordpress.com Now, before I start writing this, I’ve got to make a confession.  I watch television with my two and a half year old daughter.  For some people, this may not seem like much of a confession.  However, I must note that according to the experts, like the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids…

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8 Dolls That Affirm Brown Girls

We recently discussed books, movies and TV shows that affirm brown girls. Now we’re moving on to dolls! Check it out; American Girl Dolls Addy is African American with dark hair and eyes. Cecile is from New Orleans, and has brown skin, green eyes, and curly brown hair. Heart 4 Hearts dolls Rahel is from…

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How (and Why) I Got My Baby to Love Books

by Alicia Barnes of liciabobesha.com My baby is a book monster, a connoisseur, an addict. His first word in the morning is often “book” and normally followed by his first fit of the day when I only read one book instead of the 27 he wants before school. At school he can be barely bothered to…

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How to Make Green Smoothies for Mommy and Baby

By Didan Ashanta Having a baby changes your life forever! I totally agree – however, I have a limit on how many of these changes I’m going to accept for the long term. Maybe you do, too. I realise that some women are comfortable with the ‘baby-weight’ that is still with them even when their child…

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True Life: I’m Insecure About My Successes

By Alicia of alburnet.wordpress.com I’ve been teaching now for six years.  I’ve been married for five.  I’ve been a mommy for two.  And for all this, I’ve got plenty to show.  I’ve got: letters from pleased parents and thank-you cards from former students, awards for teaching excellence, a husband who brags about me, and a healthy,…

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8 Ways to Save on Kid’s Clothing

By DeAnna Raising kids is expensive. The USDA estimates that the cost to raise a child to the age of 18 in the United States is over $241, 000. Today, I am going to share some tips with you that will hopefully help you get that bill down in one area: clothing. 1. Don’t pay full…

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I Did a Natural Hypno-Birth

By Didan Ashanta One day, during my final year in the all-girls’ high school I attended, our Personal Development teacher was on the topic of ‘marriage’ and took the opportunity to teach us ladies how to be mentally prepared for the first sexual experience. (I think someone was concerned that it was bound to be horrible.)…

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