Baby Love: Lindsey, Caleb and Lily

Lindsey is a new writer for Baby and Blog, specializing in natural birth. See her previous articles here, and look out for more content from her in the coming weeks ? Tell us about yourself. L: I live in Chicago. I am a stay-at-home-mom who works a little bit. I’m a birth doula, and I…

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3 Reasons I Don’t Spank

By Alicia Barnes, We don’t spank in our house. Even with a two year old who has very big emotions. We don’t spank, or whoop, or pop, or beat, or yell. There are lots of interesting cognitive and social studies on the negatives of spanking, but I call on my own experiences for why…

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8 Tips for Starting a Home-Based Business

Before I got into blogging, I had a habit of trying different business ideas. The thrill of earning extra cash prompted me to try some pretty random things; selling vintage items on Ebay, cleaning houses, glittering cards for a stationery company, doing online questionnaires, selling natural hair products online, selling t-shirts at summer festivals and…

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Meet Our New Writer, Angele!

Introduce yourself. A: I live in Los Angeles, California. Every mother is a working mother ? but currently I do not clock-in to a job that earns a salary. I have always been interested in music, poetry and digital media, video production, and graphic art.  I am passionate about education, pan-african culture, history, health, and…

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