How to Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry

When we talk about weight loss and diets, the question that everyone asks is, “Am I going to be hungry?” Let’s be honest, no one likes to be hungry, and hunger can cause the best intentions to fail. But with meals featuring whole grains, you won’t feel hungry. That’s because whole grains are full of…

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9 Ways I Survive as a Black Woman Mothering Without a Village

Carrie Mae Weems : The Kitchen Table Series, 1990 From seeking advice about teething and feeding,  to getting help with the laundry and babysitting,  family members and friends make up the village most women depend on to help them bring up their child(ren). But, the reality for some of us is that we have made our homes in foreign countries or other locations that make it hard to see our loved ones regularly. Some of us are in this…

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5 Mentalities You Need to Make it as a Homeschooling Mom

Considering homeschooling is overwhelming. It’s a major transition to opt-out of the traditional school system and move forward with your children’s education fully in your hands. During our life-changing journey to homeschooling, we questioned ourselves often about whether we were ready for the upcoming challenges. Now that we’ve found our rhythm, we can certainly say…

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