I’ve Been Judged for Having “Too Many” Kids

By Kim of During our season of having just two children the celebration and congratulatory responses were “on and poppin”! We were treated ‘normally’, received smiles and given friendly comments. According to society and cultural standards, WE FIT IN! By the time our children increased to four, the opinions, comments, and judgments were shot at…

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I’m a Jamaican Housewife

By Didan Ashanta I am a stay-at-home-mommy, a full-time/executive homemaker, a domestic logistics engineer, a housewife. Yes, I resigned from my middle management position in the food production and service industry to ‘stay home, keep house and mind baby’. No, we are NOT rich. No, we do NOT have a trust fund account to live off of….

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Baby Love: Alicia and Petals

Introduce yourself. A: My name is Alicia and I live in Raleigh, NC. I’m a working mom – I teach in the classroom during the day, and I teach an online class in the evenings. I am married to one super-awesome stay-at-home-dad/comic-book writer. (We all wear a lot of hats in this house.) Tell us…

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Baby Love: Leila and Noah

Over the past few days we’ve been introducing new Baby and Blog contributors through a series of Baby Love features. Since I will, too, be sharing my thoughts on mommyhood, I figured I should do an introductory feature so that you guys get to know me a little better ? Here it is. Introduce yourself:…

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Baby Love: Didan and Mwalimu

Tell us about yourself! D: I’m Didan Ashanta – a Jamaican living in the Greater Tokyo Area of Japan. I’m currently a stay-at-home mother who is transitioning to a work-from-home lifestyle. I am a writer and as a teacher of English as a foreign language. I said ‘goodbye’ to a middle management position in corporate…

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Baby Love: Vanessa and Kennedy

Introduce yourself! V: Hi! I’m Vanessa and my husband and I just moved to Durham, North Carolina from Los Angeles, CA where I lived my entire life. I am now a SAHM after working for two years in higher education. I was the Director of Admissions for a small university in LA. But when our…

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