18 Free and Cheap Homeschooling/Unschooling Resources

You don’t need to spend insane amounts of money in order to successfully homeschool your child(ren). There are a ton of free or inexpensive homeschooling/unschooling resources right in your backyard. It takes a little research and getting out to explore your city as if you were a tourist. Think I’ve mentioned that I recently moved…

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5 Tips to Help Single Moms Through The Holidays

Is it really November already? Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are right around the corner. Even though I’ve technically been a single mom since the end of 2012, this is the first Holiday season that I haven’t lived with my parents, and we’re not going to visit them until after the New Year. I recently…

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Confession: I Let the TV ‘Babysit’ My Child

By Dara Mathis Before I became a mother, I promised myself that I would never be the type of parent who let the television “babysit” my kid. How lazy! How neglectful! What a poor example of motherhood! And then real life happened. Two years after giving birth, I’ve learned enough about parenting to realize I…

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