Category Archives: Home Management

How I Kept My Home Screen Free for 1 Week

At the beginning of my son’s school year I attended a workshop about the importance of reading to children. To be totally honest I was really there to get a free gift card for sitting through the workshop. But I gained so much more. I already knew the importance of reading to my child, but…

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7 Ways to Get Your Husband to Help With Housework

My husband taking down my son’s cornrowsMy household is not traditionally set up. My husband works part time and attends graduate school, while I work (slightly overtime) as the primary breadwinner. This means that we’re both *very* busy, no one has “more time” than the other. So when it comes household chores, we HAVE to…

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7 Key Questions to Ask A Potential Babysitter

I have four children, which means my husband and often need babysitters. We prefer to have reliable family members watch our kids, but sometimes that option isn’t available to us, and we have to take a chance on parents from our children’s school or family members we wouldn’t normally ask. Before Rick and I choose…

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My Son’s Crib-less Nursery

I am not a believer in cribs. Ever since I went looking for one at Target when I was pregnant and a store employee advised me against them. She recommended that I save money by using a Pack n’ Play (which is waaay cheaper!) as both a play and sleep space, and that’s what I’ve…

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