Category Archives: Editorial

I Was ‘Black While Mothering’ Today…

By Jenn Jackson My husband and I have three gorgeous children. Our oldest will be six next month. Our youngest just arrived last month. We were married in 2006 after dating for three years. We are college sweethearts. Next spring, we will celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary. And, if you did the math, that means…

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I’ve Been Judged for Having “Too Many” Kids

By Kim of During our season of having just two children the celebration and congratulatory responses were “on and poppin”! We were treated ‘normally’, received smiles and given friendly comments. According to society and cultural standards, WE FIT IN! By the time our children increased to four, the opinions, comments, and judgments were shot at…

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I’m a Jamaican Housewife

By Didan Ashanta I am a stay-at-home-mommy, a full-time/executive homemaker, a domestic logistics engineer, a housewife. Yes, I resigned from my middle management position in the food production and service industry to ‘stay home, keep house and mind baby’. No, we are NOT rich. No, we do NOT have a trust fund account to live off of….

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Welcome to Baby and Blog!

In February 2012 I found out that I was pregnant. It was totally unplanned and took me by surprise, and it seemed that a lot of my friends were getting pregnant around the same time. As I prepared myself mentally for a baby I scoured sites like for information and advice. And I found…

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