Introduce us to your children.
R: I have 2 kids. Isaac is 5 and Taylor is 2.
How would you describe your children?
R: Isaac has a very sweet personality. He’s gentle, quiet, and very intelligent. He’s a thinker. He’s constantly asking questions, and I have really learned a lot since he was born! Taylor is the more outgoing child, and she loves to dance and act silly. She’s a little clown, and she always keeps me laughing!
Can you give us a mini-version of your birth story?
R: My birth with Isaac was nothing like I expected. I had preeclampsia and a very long, brutal labor. Isaac was well worth the pain and suffering, but I would describe that experience as a little traumatic for my husband and I.
My experience with Taylor was the exact opposite. It was really an amazing experience – the labor/delivery was quick and pain-free (thank God for epidurals)! It was great to be able to really enjoy the experience and share it with my family.
How do you balance work and being a mom?
R: I am really thankful for my job. I work as a recruiter for a staffing agency, and I get to work full-time from home. Although the team I work with is based out of New York, I never have to travel. It’s really allowed me to balance things more easily. I am able to take my son to school every morning. Most days my mother watches Taylor and picks Isaac up from school while I work. My days are crazy because my job is very demanding, so we stick to a pretty strict routine. It’s definitely a team effort, and things are much easier with my mom’s help.
What is your biggest parenting challenge right now?
R: My biggest challenge right now is learning how to discipline. It’s not something that I’m naturally good at, but that was okay with my son because he’s so easy-going and never really had behavioral problems. My daughter is much more strong-willed, so she’s been more of a challenge. I read a lot of parenting advice, and I’m learning as I go!
How do you determine that your child is thriving?
R: I really believe that as long as I (and my husband) provide my kids with a stable, safe, loving environment at home, they will thrive. They are happy, and that’s what’s most important to me right now. Obviously things become more complicated as they get older, but for now I feel like they are definitely thriving.
How do you carve out time for yourself?
R: My alone time typically happens at around 9 pm every day when the kids are asleep. Sometimes after 9 all I do is clean the house until it’s time for me to go to bed, but usually I try to carve out at least 30 minutes to 1 hour to do something that I enjoy (catching up on an episode of the Real Housewives or reading a magazine).
How does your husband/partner contribute to child-rearing?
R: As my partner, my husband is a huge contributor when it comes to child-rearing. We try to act as a team and divide child-rearing and house duties as equally as we can. He is currently in school and has a job that requires that he travel regularly, so sometimes that’s not a possibility. However, when he’s at home he’s very hands-on and spends a lot of time playing with the kids. In the evenings after work, we tag-team bath time, bedtime stories, and putting the kids to sleep. He’s a great father.
Who is your child-rearing support group?
R: My husband, parents, pediatrician.
What advice would you give to a new mom?
R: My advice is to do your best to keep things in perspective and not read too much advice on the Internet! There is plenty of helpful information, but too much can be overwhelming. Trust your instincts, and don’t forget to enjoy the journey. Life passes us by so quickly, so the most important thing is to enjoy the time you have with your kids. It sounds cliche, but they really do grow up fast!