My Toddler is Potty Training and I’m Not Ready


I’m pretty certain in the coming weeks, I’m going to buy my baby some big boy underwear, but I don’t wanna.

I do want my child to potty train, but I can’t believe it’s happening already.

He’s on a regular schedule. He’s been staying dry for long stretches. He knows the words for using the bathroom and when we’re home he does most of his business on the potty. He has even used the potty in public and when we’ve been traveling.

Whether I’m ready or not, my big boy is potty training.

I say “baby” though he’s almost two. About 8 months ago I ordered his potty seat. I had started to notice him grunting and rather than just watch him go in his diaper, I held him over the potty, though this hasn’t always worked in my favor.

We used words such as “bathroom, poop, potty, etc” while holding him in place. Now especially at home he’ll announce “poop poop” before the grunting begins.

When he has successful potty time, we sing a potty song which he loves. Whenever he sits on the potty, we read him books which he loves more. I’ve figured out that he needs about 3 books to go to the bathroom. He really loves books that talk about using the potty while he’s on the potty. Sometimes he just asks to go to sit and read, but that’s part of the process too.

The part we really need to work on is getting his pants up and down himself and that includes the big boy underwear. I was doing ok with all this growing up until I was staring at packs of superhero undies and found myself on the verge of tears wondering where my baby had gone.

Whoever said raising kids is full of long days but short years wasn’t kidding. I won’t miss diapers when they’re done, but I can’t believe how fast this is going.

I guess it’s time to get serious about the potty. Any advice? Mostly I think I just need a hug.

Alicia is currently living her plan C or maybe D or F in a small college town where she divides her time between family, travel, work, and the internet.