How Do I Moisturize My 1-Year-Old’s Perpetually Dry Hair?


Trichologist Dr. Kari Williams is a fan of Baby and Blog and has agreed to answer your hair questions as they arrive! If you have a baby/child hair related question that you want answered, email and I will pass it along! Here’s a question from Nikkia in Alabama. 

I would like to know what to use to moisturize my 1 year old’s hair. I’ve tried everything from Blue Magic grease, Pink Oil lotion and olive oil and it still stays dry… Please help.

Dr. Kari;

Your child’s hair is still dry because everything you are currently putting on their hair is only lubricating the strands and not giving the hair any moisture. Lubrication refers to the use of oils that coat the strand and seal in moisture. Water and water-based products are necessary to moisturize the hair. When shampooing choose moisturizing shampoos, and depending on the texture and density of your child’s hair, combing a conditioner through her hair will help to restore the moisture balance of her strands. Eliminate the use of the pink oil lotion and blue magic grease and stick to more simple lubricants like coconut oil. Coconut oil is an emollient (moisturizer) and the molecules are small enough to penetrate the hair shaft and assist in softening the hair. If you are local, I would be happy to consult with you in person so that I can physically examine your child’s hair. In the meantime, try these suggestions.

Mommies, how do you moisturize your little one’s hair?

Dr. Kari Williams is a Trichologist and Licensed Stylist. She is the owner of Mahogany Hair Revolution in Beverly Hills. She teaches Mahogany Baby Workshops for parents and is the author of the E-book Mini Tresses. For more information