7 Black Birth Pros to Follow on Facebook and Twitter

Black women and children have different needs when it comes to pregnancy and birth. Our infant and maternal mortality rates, and our cesarean rates are higher. Some of the theories on the reasons why are racism, diet, economic standing, not having enough of the accurate information.

Today I’m sharing with you a list of 7 Black Birth Pros You Should Follow. These women love what they do and are experts in their field. They share their knowledge on the birth plan myth, teen pregnancy, bedrest, doulas, and how we can improve our mortality rates among other things. Check them out, show them some love, and pass them on to your friends and family!


Nicole Deggings AKA SistaMidwife is a Certifies Nurse Midwife, Educator, and Advocate for Black women within the Birthing Community. She passionately writes about maternal and infant mortality in the Black Community. Her website – Sista Midwife Productions contains a great list of Black Midwives and Doulas from around the world.
You can find Nicole on Twitter, Facebook, and on her Blog.

Darline Turner has tapped into a market not often not talked about in the birthing community as a whole. Mamas on Bedrest is a fantastic resource with a list of articles on surviving bedrest, green living, preterm labor, and  videos for exercise while on bedrest.
Find Darline on Twitte, Facebook, and YouTube.

Black Women Do VBAC is a project that exists to share our stories and inspire others.
You will find a collection of homebirths, hospital births, women having vaginal deliveries after 2-4 cesareans. Their stories and pictures are amazing! Also find them on Facebook.

International Center For Traditional Childbearing
Run by Shafia Monroe, ICTC is an infant mortality prevention, breastfeeding promting doula and midwife training institution.
Their mission is to increase the number of midwives and doulas of color and to return power to birth by reclaiming our culture as birth workers.

Midwives of Color is another great resource. This website keeps up to date with all of the latest conferences, webinars, videos, statistics in the Black Birthing Community.

Black Women Birthing Justice is a collective of African-American, African, Caribbean and multiracial women who are committed to transforming birthing experiences for Black women.

Lovebirth, LLC offers Childbirth Education and Doula Services – specializing in teen pregnancy.

Know of any other black birth pros? Add them to the list!

Darcel is Single Mama to three – Writing about Parenting, Homeschooling/Unschooling, Autism, Dyslexia, and Knitting on her blog – The Mahogany Way.
You can build community with her on  Facebook.
Chat with her in a 140 characters or less about the craziness of daily life on Twitter.
Join her in the visual goodness of Pinterest and  Instagram!